RS Barcelona Diagonal Pool Table

Customer Feature: A Pool Table in a Bedroom?

Our customer Leighton Eng recently bought a Contempo Dining Pool Table and VDarts H3L from The Men’s Cave. In the process of moving to a new house, he decided to purchase some games to liven up his living space, including a personal pool table for his bedroom.

While we’ve had numerous fun-loving Singaporeans fill their living room with a pool table, it’s the first for us that someone is placing it in his own bedroom. We had to feature him to find out more!


Vdarts H3L Dartboard dart machine
VDarts H3L in our showroom

What made you decide on getting a dining pool table?

I enjoy playing pool and I used to frequently visit pool saloons when I was younger. But ever since I started working, I didn’t really have the time to play as often. So now that I’m getting a new house, I was thinking “hmm, maybe I could get a pool table for my house”.


It’s interesting to note that you have decided to place a dining pool table in your room, what made you decide on placing it in your room? and do you intend to dine on it?

Initially, I planned to place a normal pool table in my room since I have space. While searching for a pool table, I came across the pool/dining table on The Men’s Cave website and I was immediately drawn to it. I could convert it into a dining table and have my friends come over to play games/drink etc., and yes, I intend to dine on it as well.


How do you go about selecting the kind of game products for your house? (in terms of budget/ space limitations/design)

I wanted my house to be a place where I could play the games I enjoy, like pool/darts, and The Men’s Cave has exactly what I was looking for. With those in my house, I don’t have to spend time and money travelling elsewhere to play those games. It required some planning on where to position the items, but I had already planned on hacking a wall to combine two rooms into one, which made the planning easier.


If money isn’t a factor to consider, would you have built your dream man’s cave any differently?

Definitely, if it weren’t for space and budget limitations, there would have been so much more I would have included in my man’s cave. For example, the poker table, automated mahjong table and the steering wheel set up with the racing chair.


Final Words

While we all love to have never ending space, it’s simply not going to be the case unless you’re sitting on bag loads of cash. Nevertheless it’s always wonderful to see what a bit of creativity and out of box thinking can bring you as Leighton’s home has shown us. With a tweak here and there, he was able to multi purpose his space intelligently and achieve the best of both worlds. We endorse! 


Want to find out more about what other homes are up to? Here’s our previous customer feature! If you’re keen on building your own man cave or game room, do read the articles linked for some ideas.

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